Crime Information
Crime Watch
The Kankakee County Sheriff's Office has partnered with BAIR Analytics to provide the citizens of Kankakee County with RAIDS Online. This website will allow the public to keep an eye on crimes in the community and allow for anonymous communications with CrimeStoppers via the web.
Please click on this logo to access crime information in your area.
Kankakee County Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers is designed to aid law enforcement officers by obtaining information about unsolved felony crimes. (815) 932-7463 is the untapped telephone line that anyone can call and confidentially give information about criminal activity to the police. Callers will be assigned a code number and therefore remain anonymous. Cash rewards of up to $1,000 are offered for information that leads to the arrest and indictment of major crime offenders and felony fugitives. or crime offenders and felony fugitives.
Call: 815 93-CRIME
P.O. Box 1681
Kankakee, IL 60901
Click on this Crime Stoppers image to report a crime tip.
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence is a crime. Any person who hits, chokes, kicks, threatens, harasses, or interferes with the personal liberty of another family or household member has broken Illinois domestic violence law.
If you find yourself in an abusive situation, the links below will take you to local organizations that can help.
Identity Theft
In this age of technology, Identity Theft has become a major concern. If you become a victim of identity theft, please visit the page and read the brochures listed below:
Sex Offenders
An offender must report and register in person to the agency of jurisdiction within 30 days when any of the following events occur:
- Release from a correctional facility
- Release from a treatment facility
- Date of conviction, if sentenced to probation
- Relocation to Illinois
- A permanent change of residence or
a temporary change of residence for more than 30 days
Registration hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 3:00pm
Click this link for a full list of Illinois Sex Offenders.

Click this link to access information on local sex offenders through the Kankakee County Sheriff's Office Community Awareness Program.